John Sothoron

Bequeathed properties in father’s will of 1793; identified as one of three eldest sons. See father’s Notes.

The court appoint John Sothoron guardian to James Forbes Sothoron, Thomas Sothoron and George Washington Sothoron, sons of Henry Greenfield Sothoron deceased. Henry Sothoron and Zachariah __?__ securitys in the penalty of £2,000 current money each. Bond taken for each. (Fenwick* {Orphans Court Proc :225}, St. Mary’s Co., 1795.04)

Bequeathed property in mother’s will of 1823. Also named an executor, but refused to serve. See her Notes.

Named an executor of mother in law Elizabeth Attaway Briscoe’s will of 1816 (see her Notes)

Served as administrator of brother Thomas’ estate (see his Notes).

Named an executor of 1818 will of uncle Samuel Bond. Suit of James & Henry Sothoron vs John Barnes, exr. of Samuel Bond, notes John Sothoron died “shortly after” Samuel Bond. See Samuel Bond’s Notes.

Served as administrator of and was beneficiary in brother George Washington Sothoron’s estate (see his Notes).

Named & served as executor of brother Zachariah’s will of 1825 (see his Notes).

** Land Records - Maryland

Elias Wheatley of St. Mary’s Co. deeds to John Sothoron of same Co for £300, 3 parcels in same county: Tower Hill, 44 acres; Trueman's Hope, 147 acres; and Indian Creek with Addition, 136.75 acres (1796 Abstracts TH#25(StM#1):316, St. Mary’s Co., 1802.01.21, Recorded 1802.06.22)

Patents by John Sothoron in the name of his minor brother George Washington Sothoron (see GWS’s notes for full details). All are in 1802. Parcels included:

- Poverty Knolls, 42.75 acres, St. Mary’s & Charles Co.

- Addition to Brotherhood, 25.25 acres, St. Mary’s Co.

- White Oak Thicket, 20 acres, Charles & St. Mary’s Co.

- Sandy Bottom, 15 acres 32 pp., Calverton Manor, Charles Co.

John Sothoron deeds to Elias Wheatley for £250, 3 parcels sold to him by Wheatley on 21 Jan 1802 (1796 Abstracts TH#25(StM#1):317, St. Mary’s Co., 1802.05.25, Recorded 1802.06.22)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. Henry Sothoron & Dorothy Barber Sothoron his wife of Charles Co. sell to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $400 a parcel of land for a Mill Seat lying on stream which divides Charles & St. Mary's Counties, being part of Calverton Manor in Charles Co. & part of land in St. Mary's Co. known as Indian Creek, late the property of Henry Tubman dec'd., beginning at small willow in southwest angle of intersection of main road through Cooksey's hill toward Benedict & stream dividing said counties & emptying into Indian Creek. Runs with main road N 42° E 16 perches, N 66° 45' W 82 perches, N 82° 45' W 87 perches to a poplar, S 29° E 36 perches to south side of main run dividing said counties, S 73° 16' E 132 perches to main road, thence with road toward Benedict N 29° E 16 perches to beginning, containing about 31 3/4 acres.  Witness: John Lowry, Edward Meed. ( IB#7:134, Charles Co.,1806.03.03, Recorded 1806.08.12 )

Henry Sothoron & Dorothy B. Sothoron of Charles Co. deed to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $400, parcel of land for a mill seat lying on a run dividing Charles & St. Mary's Counties. Is part of Calverton Manor in Charles Co., part of Indian Creek in St. Mary’s Co., the latter late the property of Henry Tubman dec'd. 31 ¾ acres. (1796 Abstracts TH#25(StM#1):518, St. Mary’s Co., 1806.03.03, Recorded 1806.08.26)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. sells to Henry Sothoron of Charles Co. for $400 a parcel of land for a mill seat, lying on a stream dividing Charles & St. Mary's Counties, part of Calverton Manor in Charles Co., and part of tract in St. Mary’s Co. called Indian Creek (previously owned by Henry Tubman), containing 31 3/4 acres.. Description same as at IB#7:134 above.  Witness: John Lowry, Edward Meed. (IB#7:136, Charles Co., 1806.03.04, Recorded 1806.08.12)

John Sothoron deeds to Henry Sothoron for $400 the same lands in above reference. (Abstracts TH#25(StM#1):518, St. Mary’s Co., 1806.03.04, Recorded 1806.08.26)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 110": Henry Sothoron & wife, To John Sothoron, Indian Creek 31 ¾ a. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 30:#10:8, Recorded 1806.08.26)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 111": John Sothoron, To Henry Sothron, Indian Creek - 31 ¾ a. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 30:#12:11, Recorded 1806.08.26)

George Wilson & wife Mary Bond Wilson of Virginia deed to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $9,000 the tract where John now resides, called Middle Quarter, being part of Bond's Rest in Chaptico Manor, plus an adjacent 15 acres. (Abstracts TH#26(StM#2):78), St. Mary’s Co., 1807.09.08, Recorded 1807.10.20)

Charles Henry Waring Wharton of Montgomery Co leases to John Sothoron for $600, plantation on the Wicomico called Notley Hall & Neighbourhod for 10 years. (Abstracts TH#26(StM#2):166, St. Mary’s Co., 1808.01.01, Recorded 1808.06.17)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 129": Wm K. Claggett, To John Sothoron, Patty 13 years. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 23:#4:11, Recorded 1808.01.05)

William K. Clagett of Baltimore City deeds to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $150, all rights & title to land belonging to his wife Cecelia Brown Claggett, which descended to her from her father Dr. John H. Briscoe dec'd (Abstracts TH#26 (StM#2):102, St. Mary’s Co., 1808.01.19, Recorded 1808.02.02)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 124": Wm K. Claggett, Deed to Jno Sothoron, All the lands of the wife of said Wm K. Claggett. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 23:#4:11, Recorded 1808.02.02)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 132": Cha. H. W. Wharton, Lese to John Sothoron Notley Hall & Neighbourhood. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 31:#10:7, Recorded 1808.06.17)

Zachariah and Henry Sothoron convey 2 tracts of land to John Sothoron which had come to said Zachariah, Henry and John under the will of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, their father, which lands he purchased the one from Basil Brooke on which the latter lived, being in Charles Co., and lying between King’s Creek and Indian Creek, a part of Calverton Manor; the other tract which the said Henry Greenfield Sothoron purchased of Jane Fenwick, adjoining the first tract and called Taney’s Purchase, containing together 1,008 ½ acres. Witness: Edmund Key. Source: Land Records IB#9:208 [NOTE: as of Jan 2004 this volume is in poor repair and no longer available for circulation.] (Abstracts of Sothoron Deeds–Report of the Genealogical Records Committee, DC DAR. Charles Co., 1810.08.06, Recorded 1811.01.21)

Reference is made to the following land records in Liber IB#9, which as of January 2004 is not being circulated because of its poor condition:

- f. 443 - Henry Sothoron et al to John Sothoron

- f. 454 - John Sothoron from Zachariah Sothoron et al

- f. 488 - Zachariah Sothoron et al to Jozachhn Sothoron. (General Index to Land Records, 1658-1832. :208, Charles Co., Recorded 1811)


Zachariah Sothoron & Henry Sothoron convey to John Sothoron 2 tracts which had come to Zachariah, Henry & John under the will of their father Henry Greenfield Sothoron, which lands he purchased the one from Basil Brooke on which the latter then lived, being in Chas. Co. and lying between King's Creek and Indian Creek, a part of Calverton Manor; the other tract which the said Henry Greenfield Sothoron purchased of Jane Fenwick, adjoining the first tract and called "Taney's Purchase," cont'g together 1,008 1/2 A.  Witness Edmund Key.  (DAR Report - Charles Co., Land Records IB#9:208, Drawn 6 Aug 1810, Recorded 21 Jan 1811)

John Hanson Briscoe of St. Mary’s Co. deeds to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $500, 1/12 interest in land where Elizabeth A. Briscoe now resides, inherited from his father subject to natural life of Elizabeth, mother of John H. Briscoe, for whom a life Estate is hereby reserved. (Abstracts TH#28(StM#2A):142, St. Mary’s Co., 1815.03, Recorded 1816.03.06)

Deed of trust from Edward Wilder of St. Mary’s Co. to John Sothoron & Jeremiah Turner of St. Mary’s Co.; & Henry Ashton of Prince George's Co. for sale of property owned by Wilder to pay his debts. (Abstracts TH#28(StM#2A):255, St. Mary’s Co., 1817.04.19, Recorded 1817.05.10)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 208": Edward Wilder, Deed of trust to John Sothoron, Josiah Turner & Henry Ashton, All is real personal & mixed Part Weems - 28 ½ a., track where he now lives - 328 ½ a. (also Negroes & chattel). (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 31:#12:8, Recorded 1817.05.10)

Philip Key of St. Mary’s Co. deeds to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $98, Widow's Purchase, 9.8 acres. Description given. (Abstracts TH#29(StM#3):115, St. Mary’s Co., 1819.10.04, Recorded 1819.12.25)

Cecelia B. Clagett of St. Mary’s Co. deeds to John Sothoron of same Co for $2,000, one half of land she now lives on, 2/6 in fee simple and 1/6 for life only. (Abstracts TH#29(StM#3):142, St. Mary’s Co., 1819.11.06, Recorded 1820.04.11)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 233":

- Cecelia Claggett, to John Sothoron, Negro Charlotte 12 years, Old Negro John Procter.

- Philip Key, Deed to John Sothoron part of Widows Purchase - 9 a. & 8/10 of an acre. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 23:#4:11, Recorded 1819.12.25)

Philip Briscoe & Maria his wife, and John H. Briscoe of St. Mary’s Co.; William H. Lyles & Cecelia his wife of Prince George's Co; Bernard Hooe Jr. & Eleanor B. of Prince William Co deed to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $800, 1/6 undivided part of land where Dr. John Hanson Briscoe dec'd resided. (Abstracts TH#29(StM#3):182, St. Mary’s Co., 1820.04.29, Recorded 1820.08.10)

** Tax assessments - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland (Fenwick*)

1801- Upper Resurrection Hundred. John Sothoron. Lands: –. Slaves: 9. Personal: 35.0.0. Total: 270.0.0.

1806 - Chaptico Hundred:

- G. W. Sothoron, John Sothoron guardian. Slaves: 2. Land: Hallbridge, 130 acres; Sothorons Hills, 50 acres; Westham, 100 acres; Brotherhood, 120 acres. Total 405.0.0.

- Jno. Sothoron. Slaves: 10; 40 oz. Plate – 16.10.0. Lands: –. Personal: 237.15.0. Total: 590.0.0.

1812 - Chaptico Hundred

- G. W. Sothoron, John Sothoron guardian. Land: Hallbridge, 130 acres; Sothorons Hills, 50 acres; Westham, 100 acres; Brotherhood, 120 acres. Total 330.0.0.

- John Sothoron. Land: Bonds Rest, 724 acres. Total: 1267.0.0


1812 - Upper St. Clement’s Hundred. John Sothoron. Land: Notley Hall, 548 acres; Neighborhood, 100 acres. Total: 1844.0.0.

1821 - District 4

- John Sothoron. Slaves: 28; 148 oz. Pl. – 148. Lands: Bonds Rest, 724 acres; Pt. Bridge Town, 44 acres; Pt. Widows Purchase, 9 ¾ acres. Personal: 750. Total: 6.407.

- John Sothoron No. 2. Lands: –. Slaves: 4. Total: 115.

1826 - District 4. John Sothoron No. 2. Lands: –. Slaves: 4. Total: 115

1831 - District 4. John Sothoron’s Ex. Slaves: 0. Land: Lot No. 4 cont’g 300 acres. Total: 851

** Marriage & children

Mary Elizabeth Attaway Bond (born St. Mary’s Co.) married John Hanson Briscoe (born St. Mary’s Co., 1752; died St. Mary’s Co., 26 Sep. 1796). One of their children was Elizabeth Attaway Briscoe, who married John Sothoron. (Hayden* :185, about 1780)

John Sothoron licensed to marry Elizabeth Attaway Briscoe. (Brumbaugh* 1:388, St. Mary’s Co., 1809.10.31)

John Sothoron married Elizabeth Attaway Briscoe, daughter of Samuel Williamson & Margaret Briscoe, granddaughter of Eleanor Williamson & Capt. John Briscoe of Charles Co.. They had 4 children: John, Zachariah, Philip and Mary. She married secondly Rev. N. M. Jones. (Mackenzie* 3:98, 1809.10.31)

Mary Elizabeth Attaway Briscoe (born 1794 in “Laureetum,” Chaptico, St. Mary’s Co.; died 1 Feb. 1855 in St. Mary’s Co.), daughter of John Hanson Briscoe, married John Sothoron (born 31 October 1809 in St. Mary’s Co. to Mary Bond & Henry Sothoron; died 30 Oct. 1826 at “The Plains,” St. Mary’s Co., MD). (Reno*, St. Mary’s Co., 1809.10.31)

Mary E. A. Sothoron was born to John Sothoron. (* {Church Records - Film # 1903947}, St. Mary’s Co., 1817.02)

The Court appoint John Sothoron guard’ to his daughter Clarissa Bond Sothoron. (Blackwell* {Orphans Court Proc :176, St. Mary’s Co., 1820.04)

On Saturday the 2d inst. at the house of Bernard Hooe in Alexandria, aged fourteen years and two months, MARY E.A. SOTHORON, the only daughter of John Sothoron, Esq., late of St. Mary’s Co., Md., deceased. (National Intelligencer, Alexandria, DC, 1831.04.02, Reported 1831.04.14)

Reverend N.M. Janes, Rector of All Saints, married to Elizabeth Att., relict of John Sothoron, dec'd. (Parish Register {MSA M259}, Trinity Parish, Charles Co., 1831.09.25)

Norris Marshall Jones (born before 1794 in PA, died June 1869 in Philadelphia, PA) married Mary Elizabeth Attaway Briscoe Sothoron, widow of John Sothoron (Reno*, St. Mary’s Co., 1831.09.25)

** Federal Census Schedules - Maryland

List of slave owners, by Hundred, with number of slaves:

- Upper Res. - John Sothoron, 10 (Carothers*, St. Mary’s Co., 1798)

1800 St. Mary’s Co. (Ln 53). John Southern:

Free white males 26 - 44....1



1810 St. Mary’s Co., pg 263(188). John Sothoron.

Free white males 26 - 44....1
females 16 - 25....1
All others....2

1820 District 4, St. Mary’s Co., pg 92. John Sothoron:

Free white males under 10....4
10 - 16....1
26 - 45....1
females under10....2
10 - 16....1
16 - 18....3

** Church activities - King & Queen Parish, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

John Sothoron on the list of subscribers. (Vestry Minutes, 1810.05.01)

 List of persons applying for membership - entry of 6 May 1810 includes John Sothoron. (Chronicles of St. Mary's Co. 3:#5 {Vestry Minutes 1:29}, All Saints PE Church)

John Sothoron was on a list of subscriptions for support of a Reader at Chaptico Church. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s - Vol 4:#11 {Vestry Minutes :35}, 1812.04.12)

John Sothoron a subscriber. (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1812.09.01)

Elisa. A. Sothoron & John Sothoron subscribers. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1814.11.01)

John Sothoron was on a subscription list for repairing the Parish Church at Chaptico. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s - Vol. 4:#11 {Vestry Minutes :40), 1814.11.05)

John Sothoron makes payment of $10.00. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1815.04.08)

A report was made by John Sothoron & Morris Shanks regarding repairs that were made to Chaptico Church (Chronicles of St. Mary’s - Vol. 3:#6, Chaptico Church, 1818)

The subscription list for miscellaneous funds included John Sothoron. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 4:#11, 1820)

John Sothoron elected to the Vestry. Qualified 10 April 1820, his signature follows the pledge. He paid $50.00 toward debts of the Parish. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1820.04.03)

A letter was sent by the vestry to Rev. Benjamin Tippett, noting that he had performed a funeral rite on the Church grounds and, since he was not of the same “society” as the Church, that he abstain from doing so in the future. A majority of the vestry had approved the letter; John Sothoron & Henry G. Garner opposed it. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 23#5, 1820.05.22)

John Sothoron elected to remain a vestryman. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1821.02.24)

John Sothoron reelected to the Vestry, in spite of missing all but one meeting the preceding year. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1822.04.08)

John Sothoron balloted out of the vestry. He had attended no Vestry meetings the preceding year. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1823.04.21)

John Sothoron elected to the Vestry. No further elections recorded until 7 April 1828. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1824.04.19)

John Sothoron still a Vestryman, appointed to a committee to contract for Church repairs. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1825.05.23)

John Sothoron appointed to a committee to rent a house for the use of Rev. M. Mitchell. He did not attend any further Vestry meetings. . (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1825.11)

** Military Service - Maryland

"An enrollment of the Militia in Saint Mary's County, agreeably to an Act of Assembly; as returned by F. Hamersley to the Commissioners of the Tax 1794." Found in the back of the 1794 Assessment Record Book of St. Mary's County. List includes:

- John Sotherland

- Francis Sothoron

- Francis Sothoron

- Henry Sothoron

- John Sothoron

- John Johnson Sothoron

- Samuel Sotheron

- Zacharian Sotheron (Chronicles of St. Mary's 2:#10, 1794)

Tabulation of Field & Company officers of the 12th Regiment. According to MSA card file, John Sothorn listed, but I was unable to find him.  (Maryland Military Records 1:15, St. Mary's County, MD, 4 October 1799)

Jno. Sothoron commissioned as Captain, a Company Officer of the 45th Regiment.  According to MSA card file, John Sothorn listed, but I was unable to find him. (Military Appointments 2:54, 147, St. Mary's County, MD, 4 October 1799)

Jno. Sothoron commissioned as paymaster on the Regimental Staff, 45th Regiment. (Military Appt 2:54,100, St. Mary’s Co., 1807.10.03)

** Public Service - Maryland

A Board of Agriculture was erected in each of several counties. The Trustees named to manage & direct the St. Mary’s count Board, numbering 13, include John Sotheron. [Also appears at 596:105, Arch MD] (Arch MD 192:816 {Kilty:The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799...}, 1808.01.20)

John Sothoron is listed as member of the Levy Court (Hammett* :426, St. Mary’s Co., 1812)

John Sothoron named to original County Commission of the State Free School Fund. (Hammett* :254, St. Mary’s Co., 1816)

An act established Commissioners for each of several county School Funds. Appointed as Commissioners for St. Mary’s county were nine persons, including John Sothoran. (Arch MD 192:1999 {Kilty: The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799...}, 1817.02.05)

** Actions as witness, surety and appraiser - Maryland

John Sothoron & John C. Ashcome were appraisers in the estate of Margaret Truman DeButts of St. Mary's Co.. This appears to be the original document. (Chancery Papers 11009, St. Mary’s Co., 1798.11.01)

The Court appoint John Sothoron and William Kilgour to Value the Lands of Henry Greenfield Cartaright warrent granted. (Fenwick* {Orphans Court Proc :300}, St. Mary’s Co., 1800.04)

Orphan Henry Greenfield Cartwright(?), Parent Henry Greenfield Cartwright(?). Assessors John Sothoron & William Kilgour. (Ranzetta* {Book i:80}, St. Mary’s Co., 1800.04.08)

2/1807: John Sothoron, one of the admr. of Henry Tubman to sell perishable personal estate. 11/1808: John Sothoron and Henry Sothoron, Admrs. of Henry Tubman (Reno* {Orphan Ct. Rec., Fenwick}).

Will of Richard Bond of Virginia. Leaves to his father all rights to land in St. Mary’s Co. conveyed to him by Ignatius Montgomery, called Blue Stone. Wife Rebecca to receive all personal estate provided she over all her right to Wm Mills for land in Chaptico Manor called Barbers Inclosure, which testator sold to Wm. Mills & was paid for same. Exec: wife. Witnesses: Luke White Barber, Henry Ashton, John Sothoron. (Reno(3)* :71 {Wills JJ#3:182}, St. Mary’s Co., 1808.04.15, Proved 1808.08.31)

Will of John Gwynn. Wife not named. Mother Elizabeth Gwynn. Children (all minors) to be cared for by John T. & Elizabeth Stoddert until youngest reaches 18. Witnesses: John Sothoron, Luke Philip Barber, John H. Briscoe. (Reno(4)* :70 {Wills EJM#1:23}, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.05.05, Proved 1826.11.28)

** Death, will & personal estate - Maryland

First account of Henry Sothoron, Bernard Hooe & Henry G. S. Key, executors of John Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. dec’d (Admin Accts :207, St. Mary’s Co., 1825.02.15 [NOTE: This date is not right])

Died: On Oct 30, at Charlotte Hall, Md, John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co, in his 59th yr; leaving a bereaved wife & orphan children. (Dixon*, 1824-1826.:449, Charlotte Hall, 1826.10.30, Reported 1826.11.28)

SOTHORON, John, of St. Mary's Co., d. at Charlotte Hall, Md., on 30 Oct in the 59th year of his age. (National Intelligencer, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.10.30, Reported 1826.11.28)

In consequence of the death of John Sothoron, executor of the estate of Zachariah Sothoron, the undersigned renounce their entitlement to administration De Bonis Non, and ask for appointment of Henry G.S. Key as administrator De Bonis Non of Zachariah's estate: Susanna Sothoron, Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron. (Orphans Court Proc :239, Charles Co., Recorded 1826.11.02)

Will of John Sothoron. To wife Mary Attaway Briscoe Sothoron, currently pregnant, resident plantation, slaves, personals; to pass to his son John T. H. Sothoron at her death. Deed forgiven on brother Henry's resident plantation, as shown on bond of conveyance dated 6 August 1810. To son Zachariah Henry Sothoron, Bonds Retreat, on the Potomac.

- John Sothoron entitled to half interest in resident plantation of deceased father-in-law, Dr. John H. Briscoe. Briscoe was entitled to a farm near Chaptico, on which Robert Tippett resides. The parcels were to be traded at time of Briscoe's death; trade to be completed and lands to be sold to finance legacies.

- On 27 June 1826 had agreed to sell his brother Henry a tract of land on Patuxent where brother Zachariah formerly lived. This indenture to be completed, with monies, along with those due from Horatio McEldery & George Forbs, to be used to extinguish debt of Forbs estate against John Sothoron on account of being security for his late brother Zachariah Sothoron.

- Interest in Briscoe farm passed to Henry G. S. Key.

- Daughter Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron

- All children under 21 years of age.

- Provisions made to finance education of John T. H. Sothoron.

- Executors brother Henry, friends Bernard Hooe of Alexandria & Henry G .S. Key.

- Witness: John H. Briscoe, Morris Shanks, Anna H. Key. (Wills EIM#1:14, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.10.07, Proved 1826.11.28)

On application of H. G. S. Key one of the Executors of John Sothoron late of Saint Mary’s Co. deceased, Ordered by the Court that the Executors of said deceased, after the return of the Inventories of the deceased’s personal Estate, sell by public sale upon a credit of six months, where the amount exceeds ten dollars, the purchasers giving bond with approved security bearing interest from the day of sale, and for all sums of ten dollars and under - cash - all the personal estate of the said deceased (except Negroes) after giving three weeks notice at the most public places in this County of the sale to be made here and a like notice to be set up in Prince George’s Co. at the most public places of the sale to be made there.

- It is further Ordered by the Court upon the application aforesaid that after the return of the inventories aforesaid the said Executor give the notice required by law for the creditors to exhibit their claims against the Estate of the deceased and that the same be published once a week for four successive weeks on the National Intelligencer a newspaper published in the City of Washington District of Columbia and at the most public places in this County. (Blackwell* {Orphans Court Proc :14}, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.12)

Inventory of John Sothoron, late of St. Mary’s Co. dec'd. Done by Henry G. Garner, Benedict Head. Includes 41 slaves, extensive household wares, books, 5 horses, 4 mules, 4 yoke oxen, 32 cattle, 41 sheep, 112 hogs. Valued at $10,120.00. Attested by Henry G.S. Key, one of the executors. (Orphans Court EIM#1(MSA CR-35707-1):75, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.12.16, Recorded 1827.01.20)

Inventory of John Sothoron, late of St. Mary’s Co. dec'd, by order dated 13 Dec 1826, done by Wm. H. Lyles & Samuel Coe. Includes 8 Negroes, 2 yoke oxen, 9 cattle, 56 sheep, 46 hogs, 3 horses, various tools, 128 bushel of wheat, 10,000 pounds of tobacco, 270 barrels of corn. Value of $3,737.35. Attested by Henry G.S. Key, one of the executors. (Orphans Court EIM#1(MSA CR-35707-1):72, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.12.22)

Notice is hereby given, that the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Crt of St. Mary’s Co, Md, ltrs test on prsnl est of John Sothoron, late of St. Mary’s Co, dec’d - Henry Sothoron, of Chas Co; Bernard Hooe, of Alexandria, DC; HGS Key, of St. Mary’s Co. (Dixon*, 1827-1829.:5, St. Mary’s Co., Reported 1827.01.12)

On application of Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron widow of John Sothoron late of Saint Mary’s Co. deceased, by H.G.S. Key her attorney, the Court appoint her guardian to the children of the deceased who are minors to wit: John T. H. Sothoron, Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron, Zachariah Henry Sothoron and Philip B. Sothoron. (Blackwell* {Orphans Court Proc :80}, St. Mary’s Co., 1827.10)



Henry G.S. Key, John H. Briscoe,

Elizabeth Attaway Claggett infant


Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron,

via Guardian & next friend Bernard


John T. H., Zachariah Henry,

Hooe of Alexandria


Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron,



James Philip Sothoron

Mother of claimant Cecelia B. Claggett afterwards Cecelia B. Lyles conveyed on 6 Nov 1819 to John Sothoron now dec'd one half of tract on which she lived. Indenture appears absolute, but was to be in trust for orator. Cites John Sothoron's will dated 7 Oct 1821, and its provisions for trade of this land with that belonging to Dr. John H.Briscoe. Rights in land passed to Henry G.S. Key, who has not exchanged nor sold land. Children of John Sothoron listed, all noted to be under 21 years of age: John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James Philip & Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron. His widow is Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron, daughter of Dr. John H. Briscoe dec'd. Prays that the land be sold. Filed in Decree Record Liber JH#2, 270.

- Indenture dated 4 Nov 1819 for Cecelia B. Clagett of St. Mary’s Co. to convey to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $2,000, ½ of land on which she now lives.

- Elizabeth A. Sothoron appointed guardian of minor defendants on 3 Dec 1830. Her answer is that the statments in the bill are true and agrees with the requested action.

 - Commission to appoint guardian to minor defendants, dated 15 March 1831.

- Answer of Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron, dated 16 June 1831. She was due ½ of noted land by inheritance. She agrees with the bill, believes land should be sold as one parcel.

- Answer of John H. Briscoe, son of Dr. John H. Briscoe, dated 13 June 1831. He agrees with the bill.

- Commission appraised the lands, found the buildings in poor repair, recommended sale with a value of 6.50 per acre, 587 acres in all. Dated 23 July 1831.

- Answer of Henry G.S. Key, dated 17 Nov 1831. Admits all terms, has always been ready to convey the land at the wishes of the orator, and now renounces to Elizabeth A. Clagett all interests as trustee.

- Judgment granted 19 Nov 1831. The entire tract to be sold, under the direction of Henry G. S. Key as trustee. Claimant's share to be invested in more profitable way, the other share to John H. Briscoe upon release by executors of John Sothoron. (Equity Papers {MSA 19,731-160} #158, Charles Co., 1830.06.08)

Fifth account of Bernard Hoos & Henry G.S. Key, surviving executors in the estate of John Sothoron. Lands sold to Peregrine Hayden per will of dec'd. Cash received on Henry Sothoron for multiple bonds for land. Many debts paid. Balance $17,250 (Admin Accts EJM#2 {MSA WK-282-283}:233, St. Mary’s Co., 1835.07.14, Recorded 1835.07.14)

Sixth account of Bernard Hoos & Henry G.S. Key, surviving executors of the estate of John Sothoron. Additional debits & credits, leaving a balance of $14,508.17. (Admin Accts GC#1 {MSA WK-282-283}:229, St. Mary’s Co., 1838.02.24, Recorded 1838.02.24)

In the estate of John Sothoron, balance of $10,238.38 distributed.

- To widow Elizabeth A. Sothoron, slaves & household goods & stock worth $4102.62

- And during her life, silverware worth $255.00

- To Mary E. A. Sothoron, daughter of dec'd, slaves worth $5,000.00

- To James F. Sothoron, the child with which the dec'd wife was pregnant at the time of his death, Negores & cash worth $5,000.00

- Real estate to sons John T. H. & Zachariah H. Sothoron. (Admin Accts GC#1{MSA WK-282-283}:330, St. Mary’s Co., 1838.12.11, Recorded 1838.12.11)

Henry G.S. Key of St. Mary's Co and Barnard Hooe of Alexandria, Va versus John T. P., Zachariah P., James F., Henry, Susanna R. Sothoron

- Notes agreement between John Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. & Henry Sothoron late of Charles Co. (see below). Henry Sothoron took possession of land & made some payments. On about 7 October 1826 John Sothoron published his will, passing lands to Henry in fee simple, appointing him along with complainant as executors. John died about 1 November 1826. His executors gave bond, Henry making several payments on the account, leaving a debt balance by 15 March 1826 of $6,009.36. Henry Sothoron made his will 18 January 1832, appointing his son-in-law John Truman Hawkins & his only child William H. Sothoron as executors. The estate of Henry Sothoron including his equitable sale of noted land descended to his only child & heir at law William Henry Sothoron, late of Charles Co. dec'd. William made further payments, reducing the balance by 9 August 1833 to $3,991.02. Will of William H. Sothoron published 30 November 1836, demising his whole estate to be divided equally between his 2 children, Henry Sothoron & Susanna Rebecca Sothoron; if both deceased, then to cousin John Henry Sothoron & friend Samuel P. Webster. William H. Sothoron died 28 February 1837. John Sothoron left 4 children: John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James Philip & Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron; Mary died in infancy, others still infants. John made provision for his widow in lieu of her dower and thirds. The children of William H. are infants. Balance of payment still due, with interest from 9 August 1833. Prays for appointment of guardian for infants, payment of monies due, sale of property if necessary to make payment.

- Agreement dated 27 June 1826. John Sothoron sells to Henry Sothoron lands next to lands now lived on by Henry, near Benedict, derived from brother Zachariah who had lived there, for $10,000. Henry is to secure to John and heirs, and of James F. Sothoron of and as to certain debts or bonds due from the estate of Horatio C. McElderry & George Forbes to the estate of their late uncle Samuel Bond. Balance payable in 6 years with interest from 1 Jan next. Henry is out of interest money to pay the widow of Zachariah Sothoron, their late brother, $200 as devised by Zachariah, in lieu of her dower; if she claims dower, Henry is to retain so much of the principal as would yield interest equivalent to the right of dower. Bears signatures of John & Henry Sothoron.

- Will of John Sothoron, 7 Oct 1826, 28 Nov 1826

- Will of Henry Sothoron, 18 Jan 1832, 13 Nov 1832

- Will of William H. Sothoron of Charles Co., 30 Nov 1836, 24 Feb 1837.

- Appointment of William T. Maddox as guardian to infants John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James P. Sothoron & others, 4 January 1839.

- Appointment of George Combs as guardian to infants Henry, Susanna Rebecca Sothoron & others, 4 January 1839.

- Interrogatories of John H. Briscoe dated 4 Feb 1839. Notes that Zachariah Sothoron died in 1825 or 1826, his wife 3 years ago.

- Final decree of Chancery Court, 11 February 1840. John Scott of Baltimore City trustee in sale of property to satisfy debt. (Chancery Papers 9156, St. Mary’s Co., Filed 1838.06.26)

** Freed slaves, from “St. Mary’s Co. Certificates of Freedom, 1806-1864" (Calhoun* :8,9)

Certification that Negro Susanna Butler obtained her freedom in St. Mary’s Court at March Term “...of John Sothoron & others.” (1809.03, Recorded 1809.03.14)

Certification that Peter Butler, raised in St. Mary’s Co., obtained his freedom in St. Mary’s Co. Court at March term, “...against John Sothoron and others.” (1809.03, Recorded 1810.03.13)

Darky Butler, raised in St. Mary’s Co., obtained her freedom at August Term 1812, “...from John Sothoron and others.” (1812.08, Recorded 1812.08.07)

** Miscellaneous

$100 reward for runaway negro man Jim Butler, about 30 - John Sothoron, residing nr Chaptico, St. Mary’s Co, Md. (Dixon*, 1824-1826.:122, Chaptico, St. Mary’s Co., Reported 1824.10.05)

James Thompson estate sale includes purchases by Jn. Sothoron - 1 ox cart & Glister pipe - 32.90 (Tax Assessment Papers {MSA # C1523-4}, St. Mary’s Co., 1825.05.10)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.